How to Create a Landing Page for Your Product Launch?

Be it established companies or budding startups, marketing heads spend considerable human and capital resources in generating awareness and hype for a new product launch.

Attracting the public through celebrity patch-ups, intriguing the audience through mainstream teasers, or keeping them entangled on social media, no pre-launch campaign will earn you customers without a proper landing page.

Arousing curiosity for your new product in the masses but having no platform to register them as your prospective customers? Your next product launch is bound to go up in smoke - unless, of course, you set the mechanism in place.

A landing page legitimizes your business as a credible player, announces your presence among potential audiences, and registers interested individuals for special credits. Learn how to create a landing page that converts visitors into customers and sets your future product launches up for success.

What is a Product Launch Landing Page?

A landing page is a standalone web page designed to promote and introduce your new product or service to the audience, converting them into your potential customers. Given the modern business and marketing dynamics, building a landing page is critical to every product launch plan to raise brand awareness.

A well-structured landing page serves as a focused platform for presenting the product's unique features, benefits, and value proposition to the visitors. It’s a customer’s initial introduction to your business, the product you’re offering, and how it will benefit them. Besides driving traffic on your website, the page reinforces your social connection with your online and offline customer base.

The landing page typically includes persuasive copy, compelling visuals, social proof, and a clear call-to-action (CTA) to encourage visitors to take the desired action - purchasing the product or signing up for a free trial. By crafting an effective landing page, you can generate leads, increase conversions, and ultimately drive revenue growth for the new product.

Why Creating a Landing Page is Important for a Product Launch?

Most customers view landing pages as a follow-up to any assurance or promise your business offers in their pre-launch marketing campaign. As a marketer, it lets you propose a trade, make a special sale offer, offer valuable information, or a lucrative deal to entice visitors.

Essentially, a landing page is the next step toward a visitor becoming a customer. If set up right, a web page could be your firsthand choice to drive sales and capture leads to your newfangled product. Some key benefits of a landing page include:

  • Lead Generation: Every advertising strategy is followed by a landing page that converts users interested in your product into potential leads. Marketers offer free trials, newsletter subscriptions, or other valuable incentives to encourage visitors to provide their emails.
  • Increased Conversion Rate: A landing page can be optimized for a specific call-to-action, such as purchasing your product or signing up for a trial. Instating compelling without any information clutter improves the chances of visitors taking the desired action - signing up for the newsletter.
  • Advance Sales Momentum: Advertisements backed by landing pages ranked higher on search queries based on Google’s algorithms. Google assesses the quality of pay-per-click (PPC) advertising and its efficacy in bringing new users onto the platform and building momentum for sales.
  • Establish Credibility: Social proof plays a determining role in encouraging visitors to sign up as customers. Including customer testimonials, industry awards, or endorsements from well-known influencers can help build trust and credibility with your potential audience.
  • Evaluate Progress: Your web page's impressions, clicks, and sign-ups serve as a key indicator in determining pre-launch progress. It enables marketing managers to assess whether their advertising tactics bring fruitful results and crucial areas that need fine-tuning.

Website vs. Product Landing Page: What’s Different?

While the two terms are often used interchangeably and serve as a business's digital storefront, website homepage has a much bigger purpose than a landing page. Websites elaborate a broad overview of a business’s offerings, while the landing page is set to guide visitors to take a particular action and be part of the company’s customer base.

Understanding the differences enables startups to establish a personalized online presence that aligns with their brand image and effectively communicates their value proposition.

Unlike a website embellished with appealing visuals, landing pages focus on delivering a clear and compelling message that motivates visitors to sign up as customers. They are designed to be simple and easy to navigate, with limited distractions, such as navigation menus that might disengage users from the main agenda.

The Core Components of a Landing Page

In today’s economics, product landing pages are taking on a more sophisticated and responsible approach to attract, educate, and onboard new customers prior to your SaaS launch. Setting up a functional site lets you funnel visitors and generate sales directly from your online advertisements.

While modern-day marketers are ornating their home pages with creative lead generation tactics and powerful visuals, every landing page should include the fundamental building blocks. Include the following key elements in your product launch landing page:

Winner Headline

First impression matters, and most importantly, for an upcoming startup. A landing page, being the face of your company, needs to be sharp, compelling, and interactive. Subsequently, landing page must start with a winner headline to grapple visitors’ attention, followed by impressive imagery and a sub-headline that adds to your main proposition.

Perks and Features

Besides being the online outlet for your company, landing pages serve one fundamental function - winning over your visitors. Write factual and compelling copy that enlists the product features and perks it offers to persuade the desired audience.

Positioning Statement

People respond to uniqueness and creativity. Even if your product is an upgraded version of an already introduced product, advertise it in a way that sets it apart from the competition. Outline your product's brand positioning statement and unique selling proposition (USP) to create a personal connection.

Social Proofs

When people see that others have had positive experiences with your product or service, they are more likely to trust and engage with your brand. Social proofs address any objections or concerns your audience may have. Portray customer testimonials, case studies, reviews, or social media shares as real-world evidence of your offering.

Call to Action

Landing pages are all about conversions. Setting up a clear call-to-action (CTA) on your page encourages users to take the next step - whether it is to sign up for your newsletter or get on board with your priority lists. Most homepages feature a standalone CTA button, a click-through page, or a sign-up form asking for customer credentials.

Steps to Create a Landing Page for Your Product Launch

With the onset of smart software and all-in-one marketing suites, creating a landing page isn’t as formidable as it once was. Hours of coding, acquiring the appropriate CMS platform, and onboarding skilled copywriters - securing an online presence sure was challenging.

Craft a landing page from scratch or select hundreds of ready-made templates and customize them to your preference and business needs; equipping the right landing page builder tools can help you devise a landing page that converts.

Keeping in touch with modern usage, most pre-made landing pages are mobile-responsive, allowing businesses to capitalize on smartphone traffic. Infuse your landing page with countdown timers and demo teasers to kickstart and boost your sales and revenue growth.

Identify your Target Audience and Define your Messaging

Whether you are initiating your product launch campaign checklist or developing a landing page to announce your arrival, identifying the target audience holds key importance. Knowing what type of users you are addressing helps you personalize your advertising slogans and messaging to pique their interests better.

When classifying the audience for your campaign, consider users who are most likely to benefit from your product or service. Like most marketers, create buyer personas or look into your ideal customer’s demographic and behavioral characteristics to assume their needs and preferences.

With the relevant audience in perspective, you can direct your marketing and sales teams to define and optimize your messaging that suits that palate. Craft compelling and persuasive copy that speaks directly to the desires and pain points of your audience. Use language that resonates with your ideal clienthood and speaks to their emotions.

Select the Template or Design your Layout

Developing and designing a landing page from the ground up might be the only available solution for businesses in the past, but it is certainly not the case today. Today, startups can choose from conversion-focused and mobile-optimized landing page templates to get by.

A template sets a framework for your landing page, which you can leverage to design an interactive and visually appealing layout. Besides optimising pages to convert clicks into potential customers, you can add multiple unique and powerful tools to your arsenal. Some of which enable you to predict the page’s performance before publishing it on-air.

When selecting a template, consider a layout that best represents your brand personality and product features. Prefer templates that are optimized for lead generation tactics and include elements like a strong headline, clear call-to-action, and social proof. Use the drag-and-drop feature to revamp your page and design an interactive user interface without writing codes.

Include Social Proof and Credibility Statements

When launching a customer-centric product, set up a landing page that prioritizes user satisfaction and promotes it as their brand personality. Portraying yourself as a brand that focuses on customers first and foremost helps generate an emotional response in the prospective audience.

Businesses these days use social proof and credibility statements to gain the audience's trust and convert them into customers. 72% of customers consult positive reviews and testimonials to trust a business. In order to make your brand appear more trustworthy and authoritative, remember the following tips when designing your product landing page:

  • Use customer testimonials: Include quotes or videos from satisfied customers that attest to the benefits of your product.
  • Display social media followers and engagement: Show the number of followers and engagement on your social media platforms to elaborate on your popularity. This can help establish your brand as reputable, not just a startup fluke.
  • Showcase press mentions: If your product has been featured in media outlets or received awards, highlight them on your landing page. Seeing reputable broadcasters and media outlets back up your brand story, customers are likelier to purchase from you.
  • Use trust badges: Display trust badges from reputable organizations like the Better Business Bureau or industry associations. Awards and badges instil confidence in the audience and compel them to convert.

Write Compelling Copy with Incorporate Multimedia

Words intrigue people’s minds, and visuals compel them to take action. But given the definitive attention span of fewer than 8 seconds, you must devise a catchy headline to catch the visitors’ attention.

While the copy must be compelling and eye-catching, don’t spend time finding fancy words and taglines to entice users. Rather keep it clear, concise, and focused on the benefits of your product that an average buyer can easily comprehend.

Strong visuals play an even more definitive role in captivating new users onto a platform and impressing them to purchase. Graphics can help communicate the perks of your product in a way that text cannot and can also help break up the copy and make it more digestible.

A landing page with captivating visuals, such as demo video and stock photos, has an 86% chance of generating a higher conversion. If possible, include images or videos showing your product in use, allowing customers to visualize how it works and the plus points it carries.

Setting a Clear and Coercive Call-to-Action (CTA)

Once you’ve crafted a coercive headline, elaborated your product with engaging copy, and backed your propositions with powerful visuals; sum it up by adding an irresistible call to action. The call-to-action button must stand out from the rest of the page, labelled with compelling and descriptive words.

We’ve outlined a few smart tactics to maximize your conversion rate using an effectively-placed CTA button:

  1. Use action-oriented language: Your CTA should use action-oriented language that communicates the value of taking the next step. For example, instead of "Learn More," use "Start Your Free Trial" or "Get Your Discount Today."
  2. Prefer first-person pronouns: Instead of communicating the pathway to the next step, portray your CTA using a customer-centric approach. Data shows that using first-person voice in CTA’s can increase the conversion rate by up to 90%.
  3. Use contrasting colors: To make your CTA stand out, use a contrasting color from the rest of the page to draw attention. According to Kinsta, using a contrasting color for your CTA button can increase conversions by up to 32.5%.
  4. Place it above the fold: Your CTA should be placed above the fold, meaning it should be visible without scrolling. This ensures that visitors see it immediately and are more likely to take action.
  5. Make it sound urgent: Creating a sense of urgency can encourage visitors to take action. For example, use phrases like "Limited Time Offer" or "Only a Few Spots Left" to create urgency and boost conversions.

Learn from Robinhood’s waitlist strategy and Harry’s priority access tactics to make your landing page more effective, build extensive email lists, and improve the conversion rate.

Optimize for SEO and Smartphone Compatibility

In order to execute a successful product launch and establish a profitable business, you must address the audience across all platforms. As an entrepreneur, you can only be sure of your product launch's true potential if it attracts visitors from all mainstream channels.

Today, most leads are generated through social media or organic searching via search engines. Optimize your landing page for SEO, rank higher on search engine result pages (SERPs) and improve your organic customer inflow. Include relevant keywords in your page title, meta description, and content body to maximize visibility and generate more leads.

Since more than half of all website traffic worldwide is generated via smartphones, adopting a mobile-friendly approach for your landing page can enable access to a broader audience. Develop a screen responsive design that automatically adjusts to different screen sizes while the fonts and clickable elements are still visible and active.

Ending Note

With today’s fast-growing technology, creating a good landing page for your upcoming product launch is within reach - even for an average marketer.

But, as the business eco-system gets more competitive and streamlined with an outbreak of digital interfaces, maintaining your singularity in the field and generating maximum leads through your audience demands special expertise.

From outlining the core elements to explaining best practices and strategies to develop a great landing page, we’ve shared everything you need to know to grow your business digitally. Join to streamline your digitalization efforts while you focus on refining your products.


Do I need to be a programmer to create a landing page?

No, you don't need to be a programmer or have coding skills to create a landing page. There are many tools available that allow you to create a landing page with various professional-looking templates supported by a drag-and-drop interface, mult-screen editing, duplicate pages, galleries, and carousels.

How long should a landing page be?

The length of your landing page depends on the complexity of your product and the level of information your target audience needs. However, research shows that longer landing pages generally perform better in lead generation and conversion rate, allowing visitors to access more detailed information about your product.

Can I use a landing page for multiple products or services?

While it is possible to use a landing page for multiple products or services, it is largely discouraged. A landing page should focus on one specific product or service to ensure the messaging is clear and concise and the call-to-action is compelling. If you have multiple products or services to promote, creating a separate landing page for each one is better.