New Email Message Editing Experience, Auto-save, and Scalable Pricing

A New, Modern, Easy Email Message Editor

Continuing last month's theme of bringing you an awesome email editing experience, we've completely redesigned the Email Message Editor. You'll find it much easier to design a great email campaign for your pre-launch or word of mouth referral campaigns.

Additionally, you can now upload images which will be served to your users from our global CDN. Just add an image block and select an image from your computer, or drag and drop your image right into the editor.


We've implemented auto-saving throughout Prefinery's many editing experiences, including when editing your Signup Form, Referral Page, Email Messages and Email Layouts.

You no longer have to click the Save button as we now periodically auto-save your changes, every 20 seconds. And, if you need to leave before then, you can still hit the Save button to immediately save your changes.

Your Changes Auto-save Every 20 Seconds

Easy Referral Page Designer

Much like the Email Message editor, the Referral Page editor has been replaced with a more modern, more powerful experience. You can easily add blocks of content, including images and videos.

Additionally, we've added a new Design tab to the Referral Page editor, which lets you easily change the colors and style of the social icons without having to apply any custom CSS.

Scalable Pricing for Business Users

Previously, Prefinery offered three tiers of our Business plan – Business 25k, Business 50k, and Business 50k – which allowed up to 25,000, 50,000, and 100,000 subscribers, respectively. If your referral campaign exceeded 100,000 signups then you had to reach out and have us create you a custom plan.

The problem with the above was it wasn't fair to you, as you often over-paid for subscribers. If you were only managing 40,000 subscribers in your account, you had to pay for 50,000.

Today, we're introducing a single Business plan, which includes the ability to manage up to 25,000 subscribers. If you exceed those limits, then you'll be charged a per-subscriber monthly overage fee based on the table below. You no longer need to reach out and ask us to build you a custom plan.

Subscribers Overage Fee (per subscriber per month)
0 - 25,000 subscribers Included
25,001 - 50,000 subscribers $0.006 / subscriber / month
50,001 - 100,000 subscribers $0.0055 / subscriber / month
100,001 - 200,000 subscribers $0.005 / subscriber / month
> 200,000 subscribers $0.004 / subscriber / month

Not only is the above more fair, but it will result in most of our Business plan subscribers seeing a price reduction on their future invoices.