6 Best Product Launch Email Subject Lines?

Product launches are a lot of work. Weeks of planning the right social media marketing  strategy, days of curating email campaigns, and hours spent fine-tuning the product landing page, make it worthwhile by doing it right.

The perfect way to present your product to the world is to announce it through product launch emails. These are a series of emails that communicate details related to the product, launch dates, and the value of the product to induce a desired action – pre-order, reply, etc. – from readers.

The email subject line is a minor, often ignored, but extremely important part of a successful product launch campaign. Your email’s performance in a potential customer’s inbox can make your launch sink or swim. Take inspiration from the 6 best product launch email subject lines we gathered and nail your new product launch.

How To Create Exciting Product Launch Email Subject Lines

Sure, writing a product announcement email is tricky. But all the hard work put into the email content is only useful if the target audience opens your email in the first place.  

Not to put too much pressure on you, but around 47% of receivers will decide to open or ignore your email solely based on its subject line. Some will not only ignore but report the email as spam. So this little line can really make or break your launch.

Here are a few things that will help you draft a unique subject line:

Keep It Short Yet Engaging

Too many words are simply boring and represent a lousy job. The majority, around 68%, of email receivers open their inboxes on a mobile device. This means your subject line should be concise enough to fit into a smaller screen size.

According to a survey, subject lines with 40 characters or six to ten words have a 21% open rate, the highest. Skip the fluff, try to stay relevant and pique curiosity, and keep your subject line short and straightforward.

Tug the Right (Emotional) String

When it comes to decision-making, emotions are a powerful driving force for us humans. If you can get audiences in the right state of mind, you can get them to take the desired action.

Use power/action words and an appropriate tone to build excitement and interest in your email subject line. For instance, a pre-order email should communicate exclusivity, urgency, and scarcity to the reader so they respond to your CTA.

Personalize It

Make it personal and relatable. Open rates are significantly better for an email that has the receiver’s name in the subject line. Be conversational here, use exclusive information, and write in an inviting manner that suggests closeness.

Use Magic Keywords

A major factor that determines the success or failure of an email marketing campaign is keywords. The use of some power keywords in subject lines has proven to boost click-through rates. For instance, using the word “free” in the subject line can boost your email open rates by 10%.

A few best-performing keywords to include in the subject line for your product launch:

  • Now in
  • Latest
  • Get yours
  • Introducing
  • Brand new
  • Available
  • On orders over
  • Your next order

Include the Right Emojis

A study revealed that businesses that used emojis in their email subject lines had a 50% higher open rate than those that did not. But this does not mean you can bombard the minimal subject line space with emojis. There are rules.

Make sure you only use one emoji per subject line and that it does not replace a word.  An effective subject line is comprehensive without emojis, they’re just an add-on.

Mistakes to Avoid When Writing Your Email Subject Lines

There are a few bad practices and email etiquette that you should take care of when drafting a subject line. Here are a few mistakes you should avoid:

Using Misleading Information

Becoming visible and hunting for a response will often tempt you to use clickbait. Fight that urge. Suppose the receiver opens your email because of an enticing clickbait subject line and doesn’t get to have what was offered, this not only taints your reputation but also books you a spot in the spam folder.

Staying Generic or Vague

Remember, generic one-size-fits-all emails don’t work for subject lines. Vague or general subject lines don’t communicate authenticity and their non-substantiality lands them in the junk or spam folder for good.

Virtual Shouting

Overusing capital letters and emojis triggers filters for junk and spam in most inboxes. Use of all caps and exclamation points translates to shouting and your recipient might simply find that rude. Just like that, lots of emojis in your subject lines pose non-seriousness and are rendered differently on different platforms.

Making Typos

Grammar or spelling mistakes can seriously harm your reputation. A tiny silly mistake can affect the credibility of your email. Take help from editors, grammar guides, and spellchecks, and make sure your subject line is free from error.

Examples of Great Product Launch Email Subject Lines

Here are some great email subject line examples from real brands and our analysis of how their strategy worked. Following email subject line examples discussed here, you can make your email stand out and enjoy a winning product launch.

  1. Direct and Simple Email Subject Lines

Straight-forward subject lines are short and to the point. They usually don’t include emoticons or lots of expression words, just plain announcements of what’s inside the email.

A few product launch email examples that use simple subject lines:

  • Ginger Lemonade is here
  • Invitation from [Brand Name]
  • Introducing Grilli Kiosk!

Here is a subject line template:

Brand: Hawthorne

Subject Line: New | Fresh, invigorating body wash


Key Takeaways

  • The words “fresh” and “new” build interest in your product.
  • The word “invigorating” is a power word that communicates what the new product or feature will be like and the energy of this new launch.
  • The key is to stay consistent and only include direct, valuable information in all messages of your product launch email sequence. By doing this, you will train the receivers to open your product launch announcement email and read the important content it packs, irrespective of how “boring” the subject line might sound.

FOMO Spurring Email Subject Line

Fear of missing out or FOMO subject lines play with the psychology of email recipients. Communicate urgency and scarcity (limited supply) and use these emotions to your advantage. Here are some winner email subject lines that evoke FOMO emotion:

  • “Tonight only: A denim lover’s dream”
  • “[WEEKEND ONLY] Get this NOW before it runs out”
  • “You’re missing out on points”
  • “22 hours to close of pre-sale: Get 15% off now!”

Brand: GoPro

Subject Line: HERO7 is here. Pre-order yours.


Key Takeaways

  • This is one of the most successful product announcement email subject lines. The sentences are short and simple but due to the brand’s awareness and popularity, every recipient would want to open the email and see what the new launch looks like.
  • There is a direct and strong call to action to pre-order yours NOW (before it runs out).

Funny Email Subject Lines

If your subject line makes the reader smile, they will open it. Being witty sure needs a lot more creativity, but it pays off in better open rates. Some funny subject lines that made subscribers laugh:

  • “Licking your phone never tasted so good”
  • “NEW! Vacation on Mars”
  • “Look what you did, you little jerk”

Brand: Magic Spoon

Subject Line: I’m in peanut butter heaven🤤


Key Takeaways

  • This humorous subject line tells readers about new flavors launched in a manner that matches with previous emails building the launch.
  • They give off the new flavor but keep it exciting with a single emoji. Reading the subject line, its fun and upbeat wording, you get the perfect idea of the brand’s energy.  

“Teaser” Email Subject Lines

These are the subject lines that create curiosity and anticipation around product launch dates. They have a cliffhanger or are open-ended so the recipient is tempted to open the email. You tell them just enough about the product but keep them wondering what the email says.

It could be a question, a strange sentence, or a promise for something interesting to come. Such as:

  • “Don’t open this email”
  • “Can you keep a secret?”
  • “9 Disgusting Facts about Thanksgiving”

Brand: Havenly

Subject Line: Something new is coming to Hanvenly…


Key Takeaways:

  • As an opening to a product teaser email, this subject line doesn’t give too much away about the product and tells the recipient to wait.
  • The subject line announces something new is coming while the preheader reads “keep your eyes open” to alert the reader. This will tempt the recipient to open the email to see if the brand has revealed their new product, or how much they have revealed about the new launch.

Alluring Email Subject Line

Enticing or alluring subject lines tell receivers that there is some “big benefit” for waiting for them. You must know your target buyer very well to draft a subject line that successfully hits the pain points and gets them to open the message.

Some examples of subject lines that bring out the subscriber’s pain points:

  • “Your beauty issued, solved”
  • “Feed your guests without breaking the bank”
  • “Our friendship comes with benefits”
  • “Since we can’t all win the lottery…”

Brand: Ceremonia

Subject Line: Unlock your best hair days


Key Takeaways:

  • This subject sketches a picture for the reader and lets them visualize the desired benefit of the product.
  • It is inviting and actionable. Tells the reader to open the email and see how they can unlock their best hair days.

“Wordplay” Email Subject Line

These subject lines are witty, clever, and relevant and evoke joy by intelligently combining a few words. The goal of such emails is to get the reader intrigued enough to open the email and read about the value of your product. A few proven product launch email subject lines include:

  • “Forget the candy, this deal is the sweetest one yet!”
  • “Hello, NEWbies nice to meet you 👋”
  • “We know you can’t wait to CHECK OUT our new product 😉”

Brand: Google

Subject Line: New Year. New gear.


Key Takeaways

  • Google smartly used just four words to announce, dictate, and excite its customers. The subject line is also suggestive – since it’s the new year, you might not mind getting some new gear too.
  • A nice rhyme never fails. This catchy yet effective subject line will surely stick to the reader’s head for a few days.

Wrapping Up

The subject line is the first contact with its potential customer and, if done right, can lead to lots of profits. Familiarize yourself with common errors to avoid them, and check, recheck, and test your subject lines before you press send.

It’s a do-it-right or get-ignored situation. And with so much at stake, you wouldn’t want to risk your product launch with a lousy subject line. If you need assistance with planning, writing, or checking the content, let Prefinery.com know and write the best product launch subject line.


How long should be a new product announcement email subject line?

Here’s a simple rule of thumb for the number of words in the subject line; the shorter, the better. Use no more than 9 words or 60 characters.

Is it necessary to optimize your email subject line for mobile devices?

Yes, the majority of us check our emails on smartphones. So your email subject line must be optimized to fit and look OK on a small mobile screen. This includes making sure that the content does not translate into numbers, characters, or code on a mobile device.

Can I use special characters in a product launch email subject line?

Avoid using special characters as the majority of your email list will report an email as spam that contains incomprehensive language. Although there may be some evidence of successful product launch email campaigns that had success with them, it’s not worth the risk. Don’t use characters like $, &, @, #, etc.